

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


In a few weeks, I'm going to Colorado to visit Rory's brother.  I have been devastated at the fact that I'll have to leave Aspen behind.  When we booked the trip, a new pup wasn't in our line of sight.  I thought about having someone watch her either at their home or mine, but she's a puppy and a lot of work.  I can't really put that on my friends or family.  So I started looking at kennels...

I was really trying to stay away from kennels because:

1) A local kennel recently LOST a cat!
2) I'm worried that it will mess up her housebreaking
3) I'm really really worried that she'll think we gave her up :-(  she's been through so much in her short little life

So, I had some kennels in mind that I would not even go talk to... I asked friends and family which ones they've used...

Last night I visited the winner!  It's called Pettery Paradise in RI and it is fabulous!  So clean. State of the art fire detection. Aspen will be able to run and socialize with other dogs.  The owner lives on site.  Heated floors in the winter. The owner will stuff a Kong with peanut butter for her... give treats... hugs and kisses... etc.  The really telling aspect for me was when we went outside to look at the runs and all of the dogs ran over to the fence and wagged their tails at her.  I could tell that she plays with them and they love her.  That made me feel SO much better.  I'm still so sad to leave her but, at least, I feel comfortable that she'll be taken care of.

...and I told Rory- no more pup-less vacations.  If Aspen can't come, I'm not going.  Lucky for me, he agreed.

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